
The trials of pet ownership and petsitting! This blog is run by Rachel Ezzo of www.urbanpetsitters.org.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I love visiting all of the various animals I petsit for. It is really fun to deal with all of the different personalities and quirks. I love getting to see all of the different breeds and varieties of animals. Or trying to figure out what breeds make up some of our most loved mutts! (Mine included)

I saw an articule online today about animals from GA being shipped to CT to particapate in "super adoptions". I'm thrilled that these animals are getting some extra help in finding a home. Please consider adopting a pet, mixed or purebred. Its hard not to fall in love with these animals especially when so many of them are close to being put down.

Check out the article here!

Friday, January 30, 2009

***Peanut Butter Recall*** -- Please see the following note from the ASPCA website. I would strongly encourage anyone to follow their advice. Unfortunately, as we know with the previous pet food recalls, they may not be done listing products that have been contaminated.

Effective Immediately: Please Discontinue Use of Peanut Butter Products, Pet Parents!

In light of last week’s FDA recall, which traced sources of Salmonella contamination to a plant owned by Peanut Corporation of America, the ASPCA is advising pet parents to temporarily discontinue the use of peanut butter products.

A popular treat for dogs, peanut butter is commonly stuffed into chewable activity toys. While healthy adult companion dogs are relatively resistant to Salmonella bacteria, pets with health issues, young puppies and older pooches with compromised immune systems may be at greater risk. “Pet parents should wash their hands after handling any potentially contaminated food and immediately consult with a veterinarian if any symptoms are noticed in their pets,” says the ASPCA’s Dr. Steven Hansen, Senior Vice President, Animal Health Services. Signs to watch out for in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy and drooling or panting. Cats may develop a high fever with vague, non-specific clinical signs.

In addition, pet parents handling a contaminated peanut butter product may also develop food poisoning. “Salmonella can be passed between humans and pets,” says Dr. Louise Murray, ASPCA Director of Medicine. “Adult cats are highly resistant, and most dogs infected with the bacterium appear normal, but may pass Salmonella in their feces, which can infect people or other pets. Therefore it’s essential that pet parents take steps to protect both themselves and their animal companions from infection."

For a complete list of recalled products, please visit the FDA online. Do check often, as the list is regularly udpated. If you suspect that your pet may have ingested or has become sick after ingesting a recalled product, please contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Happy Holiday season! We hope that you have a happy holiday. Red and Snoopy are looking forward to the Christmas, they always do! It usually means some new goodies for them. Red already got a new toy, which she loves. It looks like Santa!

A few topics to keep in mind over the holiday season. Regardless of which holiday your celebrating, Hanukkah, Christmas, or Eid, there are some good tips to remember...

1. Holiday seasons usually means an abundance of food. Make sure that items, such as chocolate or cooked poultry bones, do not get eaten by your pet.
2. Decorations are fun but can be dangerous for animals if eaten. If you are putting up a Christmas tree be sure that your pet does not eat the tinsel. Tinsel and other items like it can cause major problems for your pet, and cost major money in vet bills.
3. If you are putting out a decorative plant make sure that it is non-toxic to animals or that the plant is where an animal can not reach it. (eg., Poinsettias)
4. You will likely have a lot of people coming in and out of your home. Make sure your pet doesn't get out by taking extra precautions. Pets often get lost over the holiday season because they sneak out of the door.

Last, but not least, enjoy your time with your family and pets. Have a healthy and Happy New Year! We hope to see you again soon... Rachel, Red, and Snoopy.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Halloween reminder...

For some reason people still insist on being mean to black cats on Halloween. You might want to consider keeping yours inside.

Also, please remember to keep candy away from dogs and cats. A small amount of chocolate can kill an animal.

However, on a different note.. Some of you know of my two dogs, Red and Snoopy. Snoopy is a bionic dog I think. The poor dog has lived through so many things, cancer, thyroid issues, digestive issues. But, she is a happy dog. However, we have recently discovered that she loves fruit! She has always enjoyed certain foods, like for some odd reason roasted chestnuts. I don't know why but she loves them. Recently, I acutally gave her the choice between part of a turkey burger and some fruit. She chose the fruit! In Snoopy's case she is allergic to grain products, which has prompted us to expand her treat horizons. However, if you give your animal (dog, cat, iguana, whatever) fresh fruits or vegetables make sure they are safe for them to eat. Contact your vet if you have any questions and, when in doubt, definitely do not give your pet anything you are not 100% sure won't be a danger to them. (For example dogs can't have raisins or grapes.)

Take Care! Rachel

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dangerous Breeds and My Two Cents...

I read a news story today from Staten Island about a family with pitbulls. The dogs were kept outside but were not fenced in. On several occasions the dogs nipped at neighbors and even bit one. The owner decided to have the dogs euthanized. It is very unfortunate that these dogs suffered prejudice because they are pitbulls. Pitbulls can be wonderful dogs, they are powerful, which is where the real danger comes from. At least, that is how I feel about it.

Being a petsitter you are exposed to a variety of dogs. And, I have been nipped at, threatened, and bitten on several occasions. But, believe me when I say that these dogs ranged from Jack Russells to Labs. Any dog can and will bite. Dogs bite and threaten for a variety of reasons, because they are anxious, scared, feel threatened themselves, boredom, etc. Often a lack of training and structure leads to issues. Ultimately no matter how much we love our animals it is imperative that we remember that they are animals. We must provide them with the structure, training, and secure environment in order for them to be acceptable in society. Unfortunately the dogs in the story were not given those things. It truly is not acceptable to have a dog off leash with no fence. I'm sure that these dogs being pitbulls did scare neighbors. I don't think that is completely unjustified but the real disservice, in my opinion, was done to these dogs by their owner. She makes a comment in the article that she would not give them to a rescue organization because she felt they would end up in cages and that would be cruel. All I can say to that is at least they would still be alive.


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Paws on Pavement Dog Walk and some thoughts about pet shelters...

Thank you for everyone who contributed money or good wishes for our recent Paws on Pavement fundraiser. Red and I had a great time and a lot of money was raised for a great cause! I'll post some pictures soon.

Now, regarding pet shelters... I don't know if you have ever adopoted a dog directly from a county shelter. That is where Red and Snoopy came from. It is heart breaking to see all of these animals in shelters. But, not just because they are homeless and in danger of being put to sleep. The other issue is the level of care provided by the shelter. Some county shelters have little or no health care for the animals they take in. It was that way at the shelter we got our dogs from. We were very lucky that Red and Snoopy's health was not worse.

It is a complex problem for people who are looking to adopt pets. The motto for most welfare organizations is to let adoption be your first choice. I heartily agree with that statement. However, when you adopt a dog from one of these shelters who have no health care the result is often you pay very little for the adoption fee and huge vet bills. It is a deterrent for people who mean well and would be willing to adopt a dog or cat out of a shelter. They could be signing up for a lifetime of medical complications or, sadly, a short time with their new pet.

I, also, see no reason why animals should suffer inhumanely. Taking an animal off the street just to provide it no health care for 3 - 7 days (depending on their "kill" policy) can be torture. I have seen animals at these shelters who looked like they were barely alive. I have been unhappy with shelters whose kill rates are ridiculously high (see Fulton County in the early 2000's). But, if an animal is made to suffer and in the process is made sicker but the poor conditions of the shelter I would almost rather put it out of its misery.

There was a blog post in the AJC this morning regarding this very discussion. Check it out here:


Ultimately animal management is a very difficult situation. Knowing what the right thing to do and when is hard. But, regardless of where you choose to obtain a pet, by adoption or if you buy one, please please please spay and neuter your pets.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

General Musings...

I'm so happy that it is getting warm again. I just love being outside in the sunshine. Red and Snoopy like the summer too, although Snoopy gets hotter a lot quicker the older she gets. We recently had another health scare with her. But, again, she pulled through! I swear she is a bionic dog.

Red and I are working on getting in shape for our walk-a-thon on the 31st of May. I'm sure she is going to do great. AND, we have met our goal already! We'll be more than happy to accept more donations though. It is so nice to be able to do something fun with Red and for such a great cause.

We'll have more articles and news soon! Also, be sure to book your summer vacations now!

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